46... really?
For the record I was born in 1973. That makes me 34 years old. And it's true I was having a bad bad hair day, but I was still a little shocked when the eight-year old said, "Mum, you look pretty old. You've got a lot of wrinkles."
"Do you think I look older than Sarah?" I asked her.
"About the same," she said.
"What about Glenys or Belinda?" I asked.
"Oh, they're a lot younger than you," she said.
Uh, uh. The whole lot of them are more than three years older than me - one up to five years older.
The next day, just to rub salt in the wound, my daughter said in deep thought and consideration, "Mum, I think you look about 46 years old."
Man, I gotta get my hair done.