Happy happy happy happy happy

Fanfare: boom dish boom dish tah-dah. Bright Eyes has made a friend!

I walked in to preschool to pick him up from his first day back on Wednesday last week and I saw him hand in hand with a little boy. The two of them came up to me and the little pal said, "Could we have a few more minutes to play some more?"

Flabbergasted, I said, "Of course (heck, kid, go do what you want)" and made big eyes to the preschool teacher.

"They've been like that all day," she said. "They are playing together and enjoying the same things. They just clicked from the start."

The little fella (and I'll have to name him Buddy I think) is about 4 and was not in the class last year. He loves cars and trains and all the things that Bright Eyes loves so they are a good match.

Day Two was the same. The teacher showed me a photograph she took of Bright Eyes sitting next to Buddy in group time, with his arm around his shoulders. I walked out floating.

This is really the first friendship. I'm going to try to have Buddy around to play if it keeps going. If that happens, it will be Bright Eyes' first real playdate. And you'll hear about it.

Just when I thought I couldn't get enough happy things in one week, this morning for the first time ever, Bright Eyes went to Sunday school and stayed in for the whole class. It's a new class, with only one other little boy in it (also about 4, and looking exactly like Buddy), so that will be perfect for him.

Thanks for sharing my happiness!


Donut surprise

